Wealth Fund RDIF Says Russians Want to Invest in Bitcoin
There is no doubt in the fact that a lot of people from all over the world are very much interested in the cryptocurrency market and want to invest in it. In this category can be now included "lots of people" in Russia, who apparently want to invest in bitcoin.
The statement was made by the chief of wealth fund RDIF in an interview with CNBC. Kirill Dmitriev claimed during the interview that although many Russians are interested in investing in bitcoin, it is clearly a bubble. He also claimed that the technology behind the blockchain could be very valuable. In fact, Dmitriev is not the first person who appreciates this technology.
Kirill Dmitriev said that:
“Frankly, we will never invest ever in cryptocurrencies ... For us it’s very clear that bitcoin is a bubble. Frankly, in Russia lots of people want to invest in bitcoin but we believe it’s a bubble, while blockchain technology will definitely be relevant.”
RDIF Chief does not support cryptocurrencies
Dmitriev also revealed that the RDIF was looking at some infrastructure investments that favor blockchain transactions, but that is all for the moment, meaning that the wealth fund has made no decision on the matter. One thing that Dmitriev clarified during this discussion was the fact that while he thinks investments in technologies are important, he does not support cryptocurrencies at all.
“Definitely the technology sector is (an interesting sector for investment) and we see that technology — not only cryptocurrencies and blockchain which, frankly, I think there is too much time spent discussing those items — but technology like online health care or technology as big data for agriculture, technologies that can be applied to big companies and create lots of value.”
He also went on to add that sovereign wealth funds have to be more engaged now and need to be more active when it comes to searching for value. In this sense, technology plays a big part. However, Dmitriev explained that finding value is very difficult at the moment.